How To Change Default WordPress Excerpt Length

If you want to change the default excerpt length of a WordPress site, you can do it using the code below. Paste it in the funtions.php file and update the number in line 9. remove_filter('get_the_excerpt', 'wp_trim_excerpt'); function custom_trim_excerpt($text) { global $post; if ( '' == $text ) { $text = get_the_content(''); $text = apply_filters('the_content', $text); $text = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $text); $text = strip_tags($text); $excerpt_length = 75; $words = explode(' ', $text, $excerpt_length + 1); if (count($words) > $excerpt_length) { array_pop($words); array_push($words,...

Avada Demo Pages ShortCode

If you are looking for Avada WordPress demo short code from the demo pages, you can get it here:

Best Free Image Resizer For Windows

If you are looking for a desktop based image resizer for Windows Operating systems, this application could be a good choice for re-sizing images.

How to Upload And Use Your Own Font In WordPress

If you want to add custom font in your WordPress website, you can do it pretty easily. Assume that you want to add Airbold Pro font in WordPress website, you need to follow 3 steps. 1. In order to use custom font, you need to upload the font to your theme directory. It is a good approach to create a folder named 'fonts' right in the theme root directory and upload the font file there. If you use a child theme, follow the same process. 2. Add the following line of code in your style.css (If you use child theme, add the line below after the @import.....) @font-face { font-family:...

How to Make Formatting of Email and Text Field Same in Contact Form 7

If you want to separately format text field and email field in contact form 7, you can do it by this way input[type="text"] { background-color:#000; } and input[type="email"] { background-color:#000; } But in case if you want to keep formatting of input and email field in contact form 7, you can do it with the following custom css. input[type="text"], input[type="email"] { background-color:#000; } Don't forget that it will apply the change to all the input field with text and email attribute. In order to avoid the global formatting of input and text fields, you can use the following CSS...

Simplest Way to Protect Your WordPress Website from Brute Force Login Attempts

There is brute force attack on almost every WordPress based website. The frequency can be more or less but it usually happens with most of the sites (unless you are hidden from search engines or your site is published privately without the world knowing it. The best way to look for such attacks and curb them is to install a plugin to stop brute force attack on WordPress sites. Wordfence do it well and here is screenshot of the monitoring email address which gets a notification every time someone tries to get nasty with your websites. To protect your site, you need to install Wordfence and...

How To Hide Slogan in uDesign WordPress Theme

If you are looking for a solution to hide the slogan (description) in uDesign WordPress theme which goes right under the logo, you can do it by adding the following code to your custom CSS. #slogan { text-indent: -9999px; } If you are using a custom css plugin, you can simply put the code there. In order to use the above custom css code in udesign theme, you need to active the custom css style file in General Setting >> Enable style.css. Once activated this setting for uDesign Custom Style Sheet, you can go to Appearance, Editor and paste the one line of css code at the end. #slogan {...

Recommended WordPress Backup Plugin “BackUpWordPress”

WordPress backup up plugin that let us schedule a backup of database and files together or separately and set an option to keep certain number of backups on the site. BackUpWordPress  

robots.txt FileTo exclude all Robots From The Entire Site

If you don't want to let your sites get indexed on search engines, you can disable access via robots.txt file. Create a file named robots.txt and upload it to your root directory of domain. User-agent: * Disallow: / To exclude all robots from certain directories robots.txt: User-agent: * Disallow: /cgi-bin/ Disallow: /tmp/ Disallow: /junk/