How to Create a WordPress User Through An SQL Query From PhpMYAdmin Area With Admin Right

by | Jan 8, 2015

Are you looking to create a WordPress user using an SQL query from the PhpMyAdmin area? Here is the query that you need to execute with proper parameters.

You need to update a few things like ID (Don’t use an existing id), Username, password in raw text, email and user name as profile info. You also need to check for a few thing while creating a WordPress user from database (The table prefix). Once you have

SET @id = 99;
SET @user = 'username';
SET @pass = 'password';
SET @email = '[email protected]';
SET @name = 'marshall';

INSERT INTO wp_users (ID, user_login, user_pass, user_nicename, user_email, user_url, user_registered, user_activation_key, user_status, display_name) VALUES (@id, @user, MD5(@pass), @name, @email, '', '2013-06-20 00:00:00', '', '0', @name);
INSERT INTO wp_usermeta (umeta_id, user_id, meta_key, meta_value) VALUES (NULL, @id, 'wp_capabilities', 'a:1:{s:13:"administrator";s:1:"1";}');
INSERT INTO wp_usermeta (umeta_id, user_id, meta_key, meta_value) VALUES (NULL, @id, 'wp_user_level', '10');
INSERT INTO wp_usermeta (umeta_id, user_id, meta_key, meta_value) VALUES (NULL, @id, 'active', '1');

About Marshall
Marshall is creative head at Elicus and works with the team to bring ideas to life. He is strongly focused on delivering a quality experience to clients and customers.